N-able Take Control Plus

A remote support solution that provides a powerful tool for IT providers to access nearly any platform or device to solve issues quickly. It delivers clear visibility and communication capabilities to solve technical problems fast.

Session monitoring


Dashboard controls

Troubleshooting & maintenance tools


For your technicians

Technicians need sharp, powerful tools to diagnose issues quickly and ensure customers get the service they expect. N-able Take Control Plus offers some of the most advanced troubleshooting, communication and security features to get the job done fast and right.

Technician screen sharing

Session recording

Terminal session access

Remote printing

For your business

Take Control Plus not only provides clear dashboards and data to help you optimise business efficiency, but also flexibility to brand and configure elements to fit your business needs.

Email customisation and branding

Multi-layer authentication

Real-time session monitoring

Mass deployment of agents

SolarWinds Take Control Plus
SolarWinds Take Control Plus

For your customers

A simple and pleasant end user experience is always the IT support professional’s goal. Fast, easy connection and fluid communication is critical to make sure end users and technicians resolve issues swiftly, the first time.

Live chat or VoIP calling

Expected wait time information

Post-session surveys

One-click support requests

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