Microsoft-based machines remain dominant in most of your end-users’ operating environments. While this makes life simpler to manage, the question remains on how to best implement antivirus (AV) on Mac workstations.


You may be setting up AV manually on these machines, or writing scripts to manage them. While not ideal, it’s been the only way up to now.


Thankfully, SolarWinds MSP have now officially released Managed Antivirus (MAV) for Mac. It has been designed to work in the same fashion as MAV for Windows. With the Mac agent, it uses the same desktop and laptop workstation policies as Windows devices.


It is one of two major feature updates for SolarWinds RMM. The other is a significant enhancement to SNMP-based monitoring of Network Devices. This is done via the introduction of a new Custom Checks Wizard.


Managed Antivirus for Mac


This simplifies AV across all platforms, and is the most requested Mac feature by far. Mac devices running the 3.2.0 RC Agent can display an “Antivirus” tab in the South Pane, with scan results and quarantined items. Scan results also appear alongside Windows results in AV reports.


Clients’ Mac devices and sites with Managed Antivirus enabled with the Bitdefender engine will automatically receive Managed Antivirus, when you upgrade them to 3.2.0 RC Agent. Simply upgrade to the new Mac agent and be protected.


Custom Checks Wizard for Network Devices


RMM’s Network Devices module now helps you easily discover and monitor your customers’ networking equipment. SolarWinds have been systematically adding more support for a range of vendors. However, what if a device you want monitored isn’t supported yet?


A brand new Custom Checks Wizard lets you add new SNMP-based checks to any network device in RMM. The Custom Checks Wizard also lets you:


  • Configure RMM to only grab a certain combination of SNMP OID and SNMP Index, or have RMM automatically start monitoring all of the entities under a particular SNMP table.
  • Manipulate the data returned via SNMP, to perform calculations and assign units to the data.
  • Choose when the check transitions to a Failed state by specifying number ranges for Normal and Failed.


Look out for more great RMM features shortly. For full release notes click here or for any queries, reach out at


Will Lai – Brand & Marketing Manager
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