Have you heard of synthetic monitoring? This technique is used with scripted transactions to simulate user behaviour on a website. It can help detect performance issues before they impact the users on your site.

Reduce downtime risks

You now have the ability to monitor site availability by running synthetic tests at periodic intervals as low as one minute. This can be run from more than 110 global locations against your websites, APIs and web applications, to monitor for a successful response.

There’s the opportunity to verify responses, by using regular expression patterns or strings to check for the presence of a value in the returned response body. Plus you can verify web server configuration by adding response headers.

Going beyond website uptime is crucial too. You can monitor dependent resources like DNS servers, mail servers, SSL certificates, WebSocket endpoints, and more to get a complete view of all the resources that are powering your service.

Improve site speed and performance

With waterfall analysis you can understand the loading behaviour of your page. Get a visual representation of all requests your page makes with order and timing breakdown. Identify the resources and optimise every byte. Like web fonts, JavaScript, images and CSS, all affect the loading and rendering performance.

If you are unsure where to start, make sure you get PageSpeed Insights. From an efficient caching policy to deferring parser blocking resources. Get all the recommendations you need to deliver better performance.

Detect and resolve issues

Simulate transactions with a browser extension, that enables you to record critical business transactions and check them from multiple locations by simulating traffic. Typical user paths can be recorded, like a form submission, to adding items to a shopping cart. Or import Selenium IDE test scripts and play them back at regular intervals on a browser like Chrome or Firefox to ensure that it is an error-free experience for users.

Now is the time to improve, analyse and continuously test application performance by synthetic simulation. This ensures a smoother digital experience for users. Click here to learn more about Synthetic monitoring.

synthetic monitoring