Multi-year Plan of up to five-year coverage for TLS/SSL certificate are now available for purchase. The Multi-year Plan simplifies certificate purchasing and renewal processes for partners and their customers. As of September 1, browsers have shortened maximum certificate lifetimes to one year. The Multi-year Plan eliminates the need for annual per-certificate purchases, and achieves cost savings via Multi-year Plan discounts.

Multi-year Plan simplifies certificate management, particularly amid the continued demand for shortening certificate lifetimes. We are offering two, three and five-year Multi-year Plan for TLS/SSL certificates, allowing customers to avoid the hassles of corporate procurement processes each year and enjoy discounts with each year of coverage that they select.

Please note that initial certificate will have a validity of 13 months and new certificates will be issued every 13 months throughout the subscription period. The final certificate will be for the remaining term.

Contact our sales team for more information.

multi-year ssl