In today’s day and age, the use of cloud services are widespread. Cloud computing offers its users the ability to access their cloud services from any internet enabled device. It is clearly the more efficient option, and popular amongst businesses of different sizes.

However, with cloud computing comes a high cloud spend if the correct procedures are not followed. Businesses make multiple decisions daily, which can greatly affect their cloud costs. Poor cost management such as the use of traditional means (e.g. tables of data), can result in high cloud expenses in the long run.

Failure to comply with proper cloud cost management techniques can lead to cloud sprawl. This occurs when businesses fail to control their cloud environment. It results in excess machine usage, and excessive cloud spends. Signs of poor cloud spending include:

  • Insufficient cost visibility – wastage of cloud resources is very common amongst businesses, as users can effortlessly launch new resources in minutes. Lack of visibility of daily cloud expenses can greatly hinder business functionality.
  • Lack of accountability – any user can make changes to the cloud environment, resulting in unnecessary expenditure and unmonitored changes to the firm’s cloud architecture.
  • Poor budgeting – failure to control monthly cloud spend for teams within the business, can result in the over expenditure.
  • Inadequate reports – lack of reports can greatly affect businesses’ productivity to grow, as tables of data can only represent a small portion of the cloud activity in a business.
What is Site24x7 CloudSpend?

Eliminate poor cloud cost management with Site24x7’s CloudSpend. CloudSpend is a cost management solution that delivers successful control over businesses’ cloud expenditure.

With CloudSpend, AWS billing and cost management for your entire organisation is simplified, enabling business owners to observe, monitor and optimise AWS cloud costs from a single place.

CloudSpend assists businesses in the following ways:

  • Organise costs – CloudSpend assists users by implementing a powerful tagging feature. This helps businesses organise their costs more efficiently. AWS Tag Profiles provide users with customisable labels that combine parameters such as region, service, resource, data transfer, instance type, etc. This makes it easier to analyse and plan successful budgets for your business.
  • Create custom groups – CloudSpend helps set accountability for cloud expenditure across teams, by creating custom groups to track monthly cloud expenses. It compares this data to give the business owner an understanding of who is accountable for the changes made in their cloud environment.
  • Set budgets and analyse expenditure – set monthly capacity for cloud expenditure, to ensure excess spending does not occur in businesses. Additionally, view expenses through dashboards that give a detailed representation of cloud expenditure, based on their parameters.
  • Detailed charts – CloudSpend gives a detailed view of cloud expenditure taking place in a business. Charts are user friendly and easily customisable, giving users full control over the data they would like to analyse.


Interested in learning more about Site24x7 CloudSpend, how it improves your cloud cost management? Reach out to the ManageEngine NZ team at