We’re only a few weeks into 2019 and we’ve already seen a cyberattack of 773 million emails being leaked to a popular hacking website. By now it should be a common fact to have a strong cybersecurity system in place, but we still see businesses of any size have their data breached. Despite the development and deployment of advanced cybersecurity technology, there doesn’t seem to be any decrease in cyber-attacks. With all that in mind, here are 4 threats to your organisations and how you can stay protected against them in 2019.


Out dated infrastructure

Hackers are going to be looking for an easy target, like a burglar is going to be looking for an unlocked door, it’s all the same. Outdated infrastructure is more vulnerable due to its ease of access, as hackers have most likely prepared for a system more current than one quite a few years older. If you’re using slightly older hardware, maybe it is time to consider moving to something modern, as the upgrade cost is still likely going to be cheaper than if your systems get compromised. When it comes to software, it is a bit easier to maintain than hardware, just by ensuring that you install the most current patches (with a lot of software now having the option to turn on automatic patching).

Free Wi-Fi

If you’re on the go it’s always nice to see the sign that says “Free Wi-Fi”, but if you’re not careful it may end up costing you. Remember, if you can access free Wi-Fi, so can any hacker. If you are going to use free Wi-Fi, then you’ll want to take a few simple steps to ensure you protect yourself.

  • File sharing – Make sure that you turn off any applications that use wireless file sharing before you access free Wi-Fi, as the application and its settings can give hackers access right to your sensitive data.
  • Firewalls – Using a firewall is a simple way for you to keep hackers out and your data in. With the era of the IoT, there are hundreds of different options to pick from and can be installed on all kinds of devices. Also, a strong anti-virus to go hand-in-hand is always a good idea.
  • Think twice – If you’re using an unsecured network it means that a hacker can easily access anything you’re accessing. So, think twice about what you’re planning on doing, like checking your bank account or entering credit card details, as all of those details could easily become the hackers.

Social Media

Everyone at least once would have received a friend request on Facebook from someone they don’t know, or may have even had a request from an account impersonating someone you know. But, these random connection requests for access are being used to mine data and plan for social engineering attacks. Once the hackers get access to your account, they often send malicious links and files to your friends from your account, which if clicked on by your friends open even more doors for the hackers to go through. Although there isn’t much you can do around social media attacks, as you don’t have backend access to these platforms, there are a few simple ways to stay protected, such as:

  • Regularly updating your password
  • Not accepting friend requests from random accounts
  • Not clicking any suspicious links or files that you get sent
  • Reporting any profiles you feel may be involved in malicious activity
  • If you do get hacked, post a status to update your friends list, to ensure that they don’t open anything sent from your account.

Malicious Apps from legitimate webstores

In 2018 we saw the rise of malicious apps and web extensions that somehow wormed their way past the security reviews of tech-giants Google, Apple and more. Prime examples of this is the fake anti-virus that was found on the Google Play Store, or the apps found on the Mac Store that were stealing the users data. It can sometimes be near impossible to tell if an app is fake before you download it, so if you have any doubts around the software do a quick google search or find a more trustworthy alternative.


The above is never going to be everything you need to know to be safe, but it’s definitely a start. One of the first steps to building a strong security system is to have a strong anti-malware, like Malwarebytes, and then having a strong disaster recovery software for if something were to go wrong, like StorageCraft. If you’re interested in either Malwarebytes or StorageCraft, then get in contact with our Sales Team today.